Executive Director “Cyber Security National Laboratory” and Coordinator “National Committee for Cybersecurity Research”, Professore, CIS “Sapienza” Università di Roma Laboratorio Nazionale di Cyber Security – CINI

Roberto Baldoni conducts research (from theory to practice) in the fields of distributed, pervasive and p2p computing, middleware platforms and information systems infrastructure with a specific emphasis on dependability and security aspects (here for the complete cv). He is the founder of MIDdleware LABoratory (MIDLAB) and he has been PI of many national and european research projects for a overall funding of over 20 Millions euros. At the national level he has been the Project Coordinator of TENACE (Protecting National Critical Infrastructures From Cyber Threats) a consortium including 10 prestigious Italian Universities and research centers.A partial list of his publications can be found at DBLP, at Scholar Google and at MIDLAB publication repository.

Roberto Baldoni has been visiting researcher at INRIA, Cornell Univ. and EPFL. He regularly participates and chairs committees of premiership international conferences and workshops. He recently chaired OPODIS 2012, ACM DEBS 2008, OPODIS2013. From Jan. 1st 2013 to 31 dec 2015th, Roberto Baldoni has been Chair of the IEEE committee on Dependable Computing and Fault Tolerance and Chair of the Steering Committee of the International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks. He is also member of the IFIP WG 10.4, member of the steering committees of ACM DEBS (Conference on Distributed Event Based Systems) and member of the steering committee of DISC. At the national level he has been the one of the founders and the general Co-Chair of the Italian Conference on Cybersecurity (ITASEC). He has been for many years member of the editorial boad of IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems. He has been Dean of the School of Engineering in Computer Science at Sapienza University (2011-2014).

Roberto currently is:

He is recipient of the ACM service of recognition Award(2002), the Service2Business Award (2010), the IBM Faculty Award (2010, 2012) and the EPTS innovation Award (2011), Royal Academy of Engineering fellowship (2015).