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8-9/03/2023 - Palazzo delle Stelline - Milano
Il valore della Cybersecurity per il Business
Vicedirettore Generale, Agenzia per la Cybersicurezza Nazionale (ACN)
Direttore Tecnico, Centro Operativo Sicurezza Cibernetica Lombardia, Polizia di Stato
Head of Network and Information Security, Cassa di Risparmio di Volterra
Partner Sales Director, SUSE South EMEA
COO, Cybersel
Manager of Cybersecurity by Design & Cybersecurity Awareness, Fastweb
CEO Margas, Broker e Consulente di Assicurazioni
Referente Informatico e Funzionario alla Sicurezza CIS, Ministero dell’Interno
CISO, ENGIE Italia, Co-Founder, AssoCISO
Presidente Esecutivo, Elica
General Manager South Europe, Balkans & Turkey EMEA, Acronis
Principal Sales Engineer, Zscaler
Sales Director Mediterranean Region, SentinelOne
Chief Information Security Officer, Retelit
Director Cyber Security & Resilience SNAM
Systems Engineer, Mandiant part of Google Cloud
Analista Geopolitico e Giornalista, Direttore del Mensile di Geopolitica Domino
Senior Sales Engineer, Tenable Italy
Head of HR, ING Italia
Founder e CEO, Colin & Partners, Esperta in diritto delle nuove tecnologie
Responsabile Security Awareness & Training – Funzione T&S – Acea Spa
CTO, Cybersel
IT Security Manager, Feltrinelli – Referente Lombardia, Cyber Security Angels CSA
Country Manager Italy, Mandiant part of Google Cloud
Presidente, TIG – The Innovation Group
Giornalista , docente Federico II
Co-Founder, Cyber Security Angels
Giornalista esperta di Turchia
Information and Cyber Security Senior Manager, Webuild
South Europe Director, NetWitness
Associate Professor of Information Security, Privacy and Protection of Sensitive Data, Università degli Studi di Milano
Group Chief Technology Officer, Haier Europe
Senior Manager, System Engineering, Palo Alto Networks
CISO, Carrier Commercial Refrigeration
Technical Director, SentinelOne
Head of Cyber Security, Saras – Co-Founder AssoCISO
Enterprise Risk Manager, Gruppo Hera – Consigliere ANRA
Digital Solutions and Digital Transformation Leader, Leroy Merlin
Research Manager, TIG – The Innovation Group
Consigliere, TIG – The Innovation Group
Event Manager:
Paola Ferrari
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