Head of New Business, Ferrari

Michele Pignatti Morano, was born in 1966 in South Africa, son of a Diplomat and one of seven children.  Spent most of his childhood aboard, mainly in South Africa, Austria and UK, where he studied Economics.

Married 25 years ago and a proud father of 3 boys. Joint Ferrari in  2004 and since then has  had different responsibilities, mainly new business, marketing and sponsorship. From 2007 to 2016 part of the Scuderia Ferrari in the sponsorship team, headed by him for the last two years. Since 2005 responsible also of the New Business Department,  following right from the beginning  the Ferrari Theme Park projects, resulting in opening Ferrari World Abu Dhabi in 2010 and Ferrari Land PortAventura in 2017. Since 2016 responsible of both the Ferrari museums. During this period the new Museo Ferrari Maranello has been opened and record attendances have been achieved.

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